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Your search for "*" yielded 132229 hits

Can political institutions insulate against political backlash when dismantling fossil fuel subsidies?

Published 3 May 2024 Associate Professor Jakob Skovgaard och doctoral student Evan Drake at the Department of Political Science, Lund University. Subsidies to fossil fuels – oil, coal and gas – are notoriously difficult to reform with global subsidy levels reaching a record $1.5 trillion in 2022. In a new article, Evan Drake and Jakob Skovgaard study how two political institutions, corporatism and - 2025-02-01

Caroline Karlsson has successfully defended her thesis!

Published 17 May 2024 PhD defense in Political Science: Caroline Karlsson with external reviewer: Associate Professor Andreja Zevnik, University of Manchester. Photo. Caroline Karlsson has successfully defended her thesis entitled 'The Prohibitive Condition: The Performativity of the Incest Taboo and its Incestuous Remainders'. Congratulations! AbstractThis dissertation explores the political natu - 2025-02-01

Ian Manners contributes to 20th Anniversary Symposium on Arrival of Normative Power in Planetary Politics

Published 16 May 2024 The Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS), the premier EU-studies journal, has just published a 20th Anniversary Symposium on Arrival of Normative Power in Planetary Politics. The symposium develops the ideas of the original 2002 JCMS article by introducing the arrival of normative power in planetary politics. ‘Planetary politics’ are characterised by truly planetary relati - 2025-02-01

Calvo, Bäck & Carroll on pariah parties and changing elite rhetoric in the Swedish Riksdag

Published 20 May 2024 Doctoral student Esther Calvo and Professor Hanna Bäck. Radical right populist parties have often been treated as “pariahs,” being excluded from coalition politics in parliamentary democracies. How can we study this type of distancing behavior? We argue that negative rhetoric targeted at radical right populist parties in legislative debates is used by the established parties - 2025-02-01

Elgström and Rosén Sundström on the negotiation process which led to the resolution on Gender equality in EU’s foreign and security policy in the European Parliament in 2020

Published 21 May 2024 Professor emeritus Ole Elgström and Associate Professor Malena Rosén Sundström, Department of Political Science, Lund University. Ole Elgström and Malena Rosén Sundström has published the article “A European Feminist Foreign and Security Policy? Norm Contestation and Norm Negotiations in the European Parliament” in International Negotiation. The article investigates the negot - 2025-02-01

Digital sovereignty and public authorities’ efforts to “byte” back

Published 29 May 2024 Mats Fred, Department of Political Science, Lund University. Mats Fred and Alexander Paulsson write about two public transport authorities (PTA) who went from procuring IT and digital services to build in-house IT-capacity to gain power and control over “the digital”. Through a study of app making, this study shows that digital sovereignty is not only about controlling softwa - 2025-02-01

Catarina Kinnvall and Ted Svensson on ‘Hunger for certainty’: misrecognition, masculinity and agentic action in India’s and Russia’s desires for neocolonial subjecthood’

Published 30 May 2024 Professor Catarina Kinnvall and Associate Professor Ted Svensson, Department of Political Science, Lund University. AbstractThis article takes as its point of departure the postcolonial understanding of the nation as a subject constructed through the colonial encounter. It argues that at the core of both colonial and postcolonial subject formations lies a desire for reconstru - 2025-02-01

A political economy theory of fossil fuel subsidy reforms in OECD countries

Published 6 August 2024 A political economy theory of fossil fuel subsidy reforms in OECD countries, article in Nature Communications by Nils Droste, Benjamin Chatterton & Jakob Skovgaard. Subsidies to fossil fuels – oil, coal and gas – are notoriously difficult to reform with global subsidy levels reaching a record $1.5 trillion in 2022. In a new article, Nils Droste, Benjamin Chatterton and Jako - 2025-02-01

New book on feminist foreign policy and digital diplomacy

Published 7 August 2024 Karin Aggestam, Annika Bergman Rosamond and Elsa Hedling have co-authored the book The Politics of Feminist Foreign Policy and Digital Diplomacy. About the book: The overarching aim of the book is to provide the first comprehensive account of Sweden’s feminist foreign policy and its dissemination through digital diplomacy. In contrast to other scholarly studies of digital d - 2025-02-01

New publication introducing a novel historical immigration policy dataset, by Sara Kalm and others

Published 14 August 2024 Sara Kalm is one of the co-authors of the article “Historical Immigration Policies: Trends and Lessons” which has recently been published. The article, which presents a new data set, has Margaret E. Peters (UCLA) as lead author, and the other co-authors are Frida Boräng and Johannes Lindvall (Gothenburg University) and Adrian Shin (University of Colorado: Boulder). Abstrac - 2025-02-01

New publication on strategic voting for threshold parties

Published 16 August 2024 In the 2022 Swedish General Election, the Liberal party was in danger of not reaching parliamentary representation, but finally succeeded to make it to parliament. How opinion polls affect this kind of voting is the focus in a new publication by Annika Fredén together with colleagues at Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg, published in International Journal of Public - 2025-02-01

Landorff and Uhlin on economic and political elites in EU civil society

Published 16 August 2024 Laura Landorff and Anders Uhlin have authored the article “Why do business leaders, senior politicians and civil servants move to leading positions in EU civil society? Exploring capital gains through boundary crossing”, recently published in European Politics and Society. Why do business leaders, senior politicians and civil servants move to leading positions in EU civil - 2025-02-01

"Strategic Communication: An introduction" by Jesper Falkheimer and Mats Heide gets great review

Publicerad 16 maj 2018 The book "Strategic Communication: An introduction" by Jesper Falkheimer and Mats Heide, both researchers at the Department of Strategic Communication, was released last winter. Last week, the website PR Place wrote a praising review on the book, which of course is great news for the Department. The review tells us, among other things: "It is an admirable text that brings to - 2025-02-01

Charlotte Simonsson och Mats Heide publicerade i Journal of Communication Management

Publicerad 7 juni 2018 Charlotte Simonsson och Mats Heide, båda forskare vid Institutionen för strategisk kommunikation, fick nyligen artikeln "How focusing positively on errors can help organizations become more communicative: An alternative approach to crisis communication" publicerad i tidskriften Journal of Communication Management. Artikeln belyser ny kunskap om hur organisatoriska misstag ka - 2025-02-01

Pristagarna Emma och Linda: "Vi såg ungdomarnas aktivism som ett tydligt exempel på hur kommunikativa insatser kan ge verklig effekt"

Publicerad 13 juni 2018 Emma Svensson (t.v) och Linda Åström Under förra veckans examensceremoni för våra kandidatprogram på Helsingborgs Arena tilldelades Emma Svensson och Linda Åström Institutionens för strategisk kommunikations hedersomnämnande för bästa examensarbete. Ett arbete som tar sin utgångspunkt i aktivismen efter förra årets skolskjutning i Parkland, Florida - en händelse som fått st - 2025-02-01

Stipendiaterna Angelica och Victor: "Att fokus allt mer och oftare riktas mot politikernas personliga egenskaper och liv är extra tydligt på Instagram"

Publicerad 14 juni 2018 Vid kandidatceremonin delades bland annat Helsingborgs stads stipendium till bästa examensarbete i strategisk kommunikation ut. Priset tilldelades Angelica Cöster och Victor Dahlberg för deras gemensamma uppsats om politikers användande av Instagram. Ett ämne som är kolossalt intressant och aktuellt inte minst på grund av den pågående valrörelsen. Jag bad de båda pristagarn - 2025-02-01

Stella about her award-winning master thesis: "I hope my thesis helps to get startups thinking about branding early"

Publicerad 18 juni 2018 Stella Zimpfer At the graduation ceremony for all the master students at the Faculty of Social Science earlier in June, Stella Zimpfer received the Sparbankstiftelsen award for best master thesis in strategic communication, a thesis focusing on startup branding in the Öresund region. I asked Stella a few questions about her work. Stella is from Germany and has since before - 2025-02-01

Ryktesspridning på sociala medier ökar otryggheten i våra städer

Publicerad 5 september 2018 Otrygghet är ett politiskt slagträ i valet – även i Helsingborg. Cecilia Cassinger och Ola Thufvesson skriver på kultursidan i Helsingborgs dagblad (4/9-2018) att rykten som får stor spridning och tillskrivs betydelse inte alltid är baserade på faktiska händelser. I en ny undersökning som forskarna har utfört vid institutionen för strategisk kommunikation tillsammans me - 2025-02-01

Rädslans geografi - nytt forskningsprojekt om upplevd otrygghet i svenska stadskärnor

Publicerad 11 september 2018 Ett nytt forskningsprojekt vid institutionen för strategisk kommunikation ska under två år undersöka hur rädslor för terrordåd framträder i föreställningar hos besökare i urbana miljöer samt hur rädslan bemöts i städers marknadsföringsarbete och fysiska insatser i stadskärnor. Projektet kommer att pågå under två års tid och finansieras av Besöksnäringens forsknings- oc - 2025-02-01

Ny forskningsrapport: Röster om den kommunikativa organisationen

Publicerad 15 oktober 2018 Nu släpper Sveriges Kommunikatörer och Lunds universitet den sista delrapporten från forskningsprojektet Kommunikativa organisationer. I denna delrapport summerar forskarna studiens kvalitativa del och reflekterar om vägen framåt för kommunikatörer. I november släpps slutrapporten som kommer att summera hela studien. Delrapporten bygger på 160 intervjuer med kommunikatör - 2025-02-01